The Tale of Anyabwile (The Unchained) is a creative project Curated and Directed by Paige "Queen TuT" Stewart that brings together artists from The Kingdom Tribe and the NYC Community youth. This project is sponsored by Jamaica Center for Arts & Learning by way of the Building Equity for Immigrant Indigenous and Native American Artist Initiative funded by New York Community Trust.
The Theme of this work is highlighted by the struggles of the African, Caribbean & Hispanic generations to highlight the obstacles they have overcome while immigrating to the United States and being people of color. As we are entering a new millennium where immigration statutes are changing we want to highlight the journey, the process, and also how laws are being molded from the past to present. This project will highlight the contributions made by immigrant people of color and also showcase the extraordinary journeys they have endured.
"Anyabwile" (Tanzanian Origin) Meaning "God Has Unchained Me"
This project incorporates artists of multiple disciplines to come together to highlight these amazing stories and also gives back to the community to host an 8 week free intensive taught by talented teaching artists in the disciplines of dance, musical theatre, acting & poetry. We were able to host a live premiere where you can see all of the pieces come together from the comfort of your home! Please make sure to follow us online on instagram @TheKingdomDanceco to watch the work and stay up to date with The Kingdom Dance Company!
Live Premier (Virtually) December 17th, 2020 on Youtube Live 7 - 8:30 pm
(2 Classes were Offered October 23, 2020 - December 12, 2020)
* Dance Intensive - Saturdays (On Zoom) 3 - 4:30 pm * Musical Theatre, Acting & Poetry - Fridays (On Zoom) 5 - 6:30 pm
Live (in Person) Videoshoot for the Students was on December 11 & 12, 2020
Jamaica Performing Arts Center 153-10 Jamaica Avenue, Queens